Tracy Tiernan - October 7, 2019 - Criminal Defense

As technology develops, some activities that once seemed novel are becoming commonplace. Sexting might not seem like a big deal and it occurs at a substantial rate among teens, but the act can result in serious criminal penalties. Sexting refers to sharing sexually explicit images or messages through web-communication devices. While Oklahoma has not yet […]

Tracy Tiernan - July 18, 2018 - Uncategorized

Individuals arrested and accused of committing a felony offense in the state of Oklahoma face a variety of potentially life-changing consequences. Loss of one’s liberty, the right to bear arms, the privilege to participate in the political process, and suffering a permanent blemish on one’s public record of the alleged criminal wrongdoing are the most […]

German shepard barking while on a lead.

Brian Gomez - May 16, 2018 - Dog Bite

You have probably asked yourself what the relevant laws are if you have been the victim of a dog attack in Texas. It is not uncommon for the victims of dog bite injuries to question what laws are in place to protect them and get them the compensation they deserve. A dog mauling is an […]

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